Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What it is necessary to know while choosing paint?

To make the right choice of paints for repair work in a room or office, it is necessary to accurately imagine what kind of paint and for what painting works it is intended. In fact there are a huge set of paints.
Paints are divided on kinds. Depending on a used basis there are oil, acrylic, epoxy, bitumen and many other paintings. There are paints for work indoors and outside. Also you can find electrically insulating and reformative paintings. How to make the most correct choice? There are some rules which will guide you through the process of choice of paints. These rules will considerably narrow a choice.

1. Coloring of ceilings. Paints that are applied to this purpose are capable to pass air and moisture through the dried out layers. If this condition is not observed, the mold will be formed on walls and ceilings. As an example of a correct choice you may choose polyvinylе acetate emulsions.

2. Coloring of wooden products being in a premise (excepting a floor) should be performed by pentaphtol and glyptal paints. There should be an inscription about its application for internal works on the packaging of similar paints. Number of such paints begins on «2».

3. Windows are painted with the same paints, but on packing there should be a mark about application of such paints for external works and their number begins with one.

4. A floor is painted with a special paint with the raised stability in response to intensive friction. There should be a corresponding inscription on packing.

5. To color the pipes of heating system apply the paints that are able to withstand high temperatures.
These rules will help you to buy paints correctly without any special knowledge.