Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Complete renovation. How much will it cost?

Let's imagine that you have dared to make, at last, complete renovation of your dwelling (Euro repair). And you don't know how much money you need. How to receive quality and not to lose three times more on inexperienced workers?

We offer you article in which you will learn approximately, how much money you should spent to make euro repair (complete renovation).
To make euro repair you need from 45$ to 200$ per 1 square meter of general area. Final cost depends on the cost of materials and the value a name of the firm that will perform a repair for you and guarantee high quality of services. Thus, the euro repair of three-room apartment at approximate calculation will cost you from 2500$ to 9000$. Let's learn, why the variation in the prices is so high.
Discrepancy in the prices is caused by qualification of this or that master and, besides, used materials for repair works.
Now we will look at existing quotations for complete renovation.

Works with bathroom fitment: installation of a bath and separate cranes, a toilet bowl and a bowl, distributing of pipes, connection of the washing machine. All these works range from 60 to 250$. Replacement of the heating battery will cost approximately 50$. 
Installation of sockets and switches costs around 20$.
Installation of one door of interroom type will devastate your pockets on 250-600$.
With tiled works you will lose from 3500 to 7000$ considering the price of 8-15$ per 1 sq. m (a bathroom, kitchen, a vestibule summarily about 50-70 sq. m.).
Cost of services of the house painter is about 1000—5000$ (ceilings, walls – 250 sq.)
At the approximate area of your floor parquet works will withdraw from 400 to 700$.

If we summarize approximate cost of the basic stages of services for complete renovation, we will receive less than that sum that was in the beginning, But as practice shows it’s better to increase the budget. Thus it is impossible to foresee everything. However, you can find less skilled workers but then won't wait for the qualitative and qualified euro repair! Plus, you will spend later for additional works which in an optimum variant will be considered as the main works.

The price of euro of repair, as well as quality, depends on two moments: experience and qualification of experts, and the correct organization of work. Don't forget also that in this business there is no discount for wholesale. Besides you’ll pay for the increase of organizational loading at workers.
At first glance it seems that there is an intense competition between private workers and firms. But actually it’s not. They supplement each other and give us the chance for a better choice.

It is necessary to remember that the prices will change seasonally. In our article the approximate prices for services complete renovation are medium resulted. Therefore it is possible to consider them mid-annual. They are peak in August and will decrease up to the winter. The same will be with material costs. And, by the way, it is better to consult with experts about what materials for your apartment will match in the maximum degree. One more nuance. With firms you will lose less time as they will offer you at once all complex of services.