Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Construction - Smart installations ...

Building - Smart installations ...

... and modern proposals

Contemporary houses are full of devices, equipment and installations requiring users to operate manually or with the help of numerous pilots. Intelligent systems integrate their operation, bringing support to one control panel, smartphone or tablet.Thanks to this, the use of them is more pleasant and less cumbersome. In addition, the interaction of different devices makes the intelligent home "think" for the household and performs many tasks automatically for them. Such a solution not only improves the comfort of living, but also allows for real savings - lowering the cost of home maintenance.


Devices and equipment included in intelligent installations usually communicate using a bus (communication). It provides power to individual components of the installation and allows the flow of information between them. It is best to think about laying such cables during the design of electrical installations. Devices and equipment connected by a main line are called sensors and actors. Sensors are devices that collect data necessary to control various installations and equipment, eg weather stations or motion detectors. The information collected from them is sent to the management center or local regulators. Then they go to the actors, that is, executive devices, e.g. remote controlled blinds or a heating device. Thanks to this, boiler, air-conditioning, lighting or audio equipment can be controlled (without prior programming of the system) practically without the participation of household members. An intelligent home alone will turn off the light in the room when it detects that there are no household members in it, turn up the heating when the outside temperature falls, and for user safety and energy savings will disconnect power from all appliances and automatically leave the shutters when household members leave home , they will turn on the alarm system.

Users of the intelligent system do not have to worry about their own and their own security, besides they can count on the reduction of home maintenance costs - intelligent system will lower the temperature in the rooms in their absence, but also turn off the heating in the room while it is being ventilated.

There are many systems on the market that enable the creation of intelligent installations. Their components from different manufacturers can usually work together as part of a single system. Thanks to this, in the future you will be able to expand the possibilities of a smart home without worrying about the availability of products of one particular company.


Users who have not managed to perform the installation based on bus cables at the right time, have a choice of several intelligent systems working wirelessly. It is a very convenient solution allowing to create a smart home when it is already finished. The assembly of individual elements included in the intelligent system takes place without forging the walls and laying additional cabling. The intelligent system, in addition to standard sensors (motion detectors, temperature, etc.), can create miniature modules installed in existing electrical boxes, and even directly in the selected equipment that you want to control. Their work is managed by a small control center that can be set up anywhere. Communication between the modules and the control panel takes place wirelessly, and the control of the entire installation is reduced to a smartphone, tablet or control panel with the appropriate application. Contrary to appearances, wireless systems do not have to be more expensive than standard wired ones. There are solutions available on the market whose installation cost does not exceed PLN 100 / m2.

With the help of the remote control, you can treat not only the opening and closing of windows, but also the position of blinds.Because the remote control can operate on radio waves, it can be used anywhere in the world

With the help of the remote control, you can treat not only the opening and closing of windows, but also the position of blinds.Because the remote control can operate on radio waves, it can be used anywhere in the world


Modern alarm systems offer many more options than signaling a burglary attempt. Equipped with modern alarm control panels, they can take care of the safety of the household, comfort of their life and economical use of the building, creating a real intelligent installation, whose main management element is the alarm control panel, and the sensors include included in the alarm installation of a motion detector, flood, smoke or gas. They can be used to a greater extent than is the case with standard alarm systems. For example, a motion detector tasked to detect the presence of an intruder in the room, while the alarm system is not working, can be used, for example, to automatically turn on the lighting in a given room, when it detects the presence of household members, and turn off the lighting when it does not detect in it for a certain time human presence. This solution will save electricity - lighting only switches on when it is really needed. An extensive alarm system can also turn off the heating in a room that is just aired, thanks to the use of magnetic detectors, which are normally used to detect an attempt by an intruder to open windows. Modern alarm control panels can cooperate with devices and components manufactured for the purpose of standard intelligent installations, thanks to which they allow to create multifunctional extended remote home control systems. It can be done using a computer with access to the Internet, smartphone or tablet from virtually anywhere.