Sunday, November 21, 2010


What is the siding? Being simple on a design, this finishing material carries out two basic functions which are protection against influence of environment and improvement of esthetic appeal of architecture are. The first function, function of protection against influence of atmospheric moisture — a rain and snow, more important, than the second as the dampened construction is more vulnerable to destruction, rather than protected. Besides the huge role is played by a finishing material of which the construction is made. If this building or a construction from sand-lime brick, a problem is not so are essential, as though a finishing material was the wood which especially hasn't passed special processing and protection. To all other facts the moisture creates preconditions for occurrence of a mold and insects which obviously would not be positive features for arrangement of premises.

The second important quality of a siding as finishing material, is its esthetic appeal. By means of a siding it is possible not only to receive a building of the necessary color scale that could be necessary, for example, for shop of a trading network, but also to hide from eyes misses of builders or the rests of an old covering which spoils positive impression of the done work.

The modern industry gives a huge choice of a siding. Except wide assortment of a color score, there is also a possibility to choose the necessary sizes and a material of which the siding is made.